Christmas Holiday Closings

All Rock Island Library locations, including Library2Go bookmobile routes, are closed for the Christmas holiday on Tuesday, Dec. 24 and Wednesday, Dec. 25. Libraries are open normal hours  Monday and Thursday of Christmas week, but there will be no Goodwill computer assistance program on Dec. 26. 

Stay in touch over the holiday with our digital services and PrairieCat app. Our website "online branch" is always open! 

Fine Free Lending Policy (RIPL cardholders)

Policy Statement: 

Effective January 1, 2023: The Rock Island Public Library is committed to removing barriers that prevent the public from utilizing the library’s collection and services; therefore, the library will no longer charge overdue fines for traditional materials for Rock Island Public Library cardholders. Specialty items such as mobile hotspots, mobile streaming devices, cultural passes, or library of things items are not included. Eliminating fines ensures that all people have free access to traditional library materials and resources, encouraging the pursuit of life-long learning.

Download Policy