Looking for some help with that? Our Book-a-Librarian service allows you to reserve a free, uninterrupted, 60-minute appointment with a knowledgeable Librarian.
Get help navigating your new tablet or device, learn how to access our eBooks, eAudiobooks, and our robust suite of databases. We are here to help you navigate our increasingly digital world.
Please call 309-732-7341 or send us a message using the form below. A staff member will contact you within 1–3 business days.
Library staff are not legal, medical or tax professionals, and cannot schedule appointments dealing with these topics. Some questions or topics may lead to referral to other information providers. Additionally, library staff are not technology professionals and are not liable for damage to devices, or able to repair devices.
Library staff are not legal, medical or tax professionals, and cannot schedule appointments dealing with these topics. Some questions or topics may lead to referral to other information providers. Additionally, library staff are not technology professionals and are not liable for damage to devices, or able to repair devices.
For any appointment necessitating a device other than the publicly-accessible library computers or other library items, you must bring your own. Your devices should be charged and ready to use at the time of the appointment. If possible, you should bring a charging cable for the device with them.
Please understand that during appointments, Librarians cannot fill out forms, type documents, or perform tasks for you. This service is primarily instructional and educational.
You can schedule two one-on-one appointments per month, based on Librarian availability.
Appointments will be scheduled at our Downtown, Watts-Midtown and Southwest locations only.
If you need to cancel an appointment, call (309)-732-7341 or send an email to rilibref@rigov.org prior to your appointment. Repeated no-shows may result in the loss of Book-a-Librarian privileges.