Christmas Holiday Closings

All Rock Island Library locations, including Library2Go bookmobile routes, are closed for the Christmas holiday on Tuesday, Dec. 24 and Wednesday, Dec. 25. Libraries are open normal hours  Monday and Thursday of Christmas week, but there will be no Goodwill computer assistance program on Dec. 26. 

Stay in touch over the holiday with our digital services and PrairieCat app. Our website "online branch" is always open! 

Bestsellers Club Registration

Skip the holds line, automatically reserve new titles from select popular fiction authors!

Select your favorite authors from the list, and we’ll automatically place their upcoming titles on hold for you. You will be notified when your holds become available. You must have a valid library card from a PrairieCat Library to participate. A paper copy of this form is available at the library, or by emailing our Technical Services Department.

You may select as many authors as you like!