Computers and WiFi at the Library
The Rock Island Public Library provides computers for public use, allowing access to the library’s catalog, subscription online resources, Microsoft Office software, early literacy stations, and the Internet. Wireless access to the Internet is also available. Public printing is available at .25 per side.
Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Privacy is not guaranteed.
The library catalog and children’s literacy computers do not require login.
Public Access Computers
To use a public-access computer:
- Bring a valid library card and log on with your library card number
- Library cardholders may use up to 90 minutes of computer time per day
- You may save files to your own USB drive, or purchase one at the public service desk.
- The library reserves the right to end or extend a computer session at any time for any reason.
Patrons must use their own library card to sign on to the internet. Use of someone else’s library card, or other violations of policy or law will result in suspension of computer privileges.
Patrons without a library card may request a guest pass.
- A valid ID is required.
- Guest passes are limited to 60 minutes.
Wireless Access
Public WiFi is available for anyone with a personal device capable of connecting wirelessly. To connect, find the RiFi network, and accept the “connect to Internet” page.
The RockFi network is available to students of the Rock Island/Milan School District #41.
As an open, unsecured network, there is no guarantee of availability. The library cannot accept liability for patrons who choose to connect to the wireless network.
Children’s Computers
The Downtown Library Children’s Room offers a few internet computers for children or caregivers of children using the children’s room. Other resources include early literacy computers for ages two through six, and AWE afterschool-edge literacy stations for ages six through 14.