Christmas Holiday Closings

All Rock Island Library locations, including Library2Go bookmobile routes, are closed for the Christmas holiday on Tuesday, Dec. 24 and Wednesday, Dec. 25. Libraries are open normal hours  Monday and Thursday of Christmas week, but there will be no Goodwill computer assistance program on Dec. 26. 

Stay in touch over the holiday with our digital services and PrairieCat app. Our website "online branch" is always open! 

Plans & Reports

Library Planning

The following links will provide more information about our four-year strategic plan, which is a short-term road map for library priorities, and our longer-term building plan, which provides the library with a guide for improving our facilities over time. Both documents work together, and as living plans, are subject to revision and change.

YMCA + RIPL new location banner: Building Health Minds & Bodies Together

Library/YMCA Capital Campaign for Tri-City Jewish Center Project

The Capital Campaign for this exciting joint project is in full force! The Community phase of fundraising launched on June 29. All donations are welcome, and no pledge is too small. Together, we can do this! This joint fundraising campaign is being led by volunteer campaign chairs and a volunteer cabinet of Rock Island Public Library Foundation and Two Rivers Y personnel. 

For a look at what we plan to accomplish with this new site, see the RI YMCA/LIBRARY project website, or download this document with a look at gains for our community.

  • If you have any questions about the Capital Campaign, please contact the Rock Island Public Library Foundation Executive Director Kathy Lelonek at 309-732-7326 or at for more information.
  • If you have questions about the library’s building plan, which includes this project, plus ongoing maintenance and improvements to our Downtown and Southwest locations, please contact Rock Island Public Library director Angela Campbell at 309-732-7300 or

Light, Heat & A/C Improvements

The Rock Island Public Library is participating in the City of Rock Island’s Energy Performance Program with Johnson Controls, which will involve major upgrades to the Downtown Library’s aging (and ailing) HVAC systems, as well as improvements at select City-owned buildings. Interior and exterior lighting improvements are also part of the Library’s portion of the project.

The City of Rock Island Performance Contract upgrades mechanical systems and lighting with a goal of securing long-term energy and cost efficiencies. The project involves local sub-contractors, and qualifies for energy rebate programs.

Work at library sites is expected to last through Summer 2021. Please pardon our dust while the project is underway. We hope to keep disruptions to a minimum, and appreciate your patience as we work to improve your library experience and comfort. 

Building Sale

The sale of former Rock Island 30/31 Library building to the American Doll and Toy Museum concluded Friday, August 7, 2020. To contact the Museum, visit their Facebook page. For information about the bid process for the sale of Library real estate, see this Link to City of Rock Island bid page.