Christmas Holiday Closings

All Rock Island Library locations, including Library2Go bookmobile routes, are closed for the Christmas holiday on Tuesday, Dec. 24 and Wednesday, Dec. 25. Libraries are open normal hours  Monday and Thursday of Christmas week, but there will be no Goodwill computer assistance program on Dec. 26. 

Stay in touch over the holiday with our digital services and PrairieCat app. Our website "online branch" is always open! 

Photo Archive Request

Request Information

I am requesting UMVDIA file name(s):
Send digital file(s):
$8.00 per image and no mailing costs or media fees
$8.00 per images plus mailing costs
$8.00 per image plus media fees

Terms & Conditions

By checking this box, you affirm that you have read and understand the following statement:

I agree to pay for the images I am requesting. If the images are published, displayed, or used in any public program I will give appropriate credit to the Rock Island Public Library. If the images are published I agree to provide the Rock Island Public Library with a copy of the publication. Negatives created for reproduction remain property of the Rock Island Public Library.
I request I be contacted when the reproductions are completed. I or my representative will come to the Rock Island Public Library to pick up the reproductions.

Your Information

Phone Number(s)