Downtown Library 401 19th Street Rock Island, IL 61201 United States
Watts-Midtown Branch 2715 30th Street Rock Island, IL 61201 United States
Southwest Branch 9010 Ridgewood Road Rock Island, IL 61201 United States
“Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch” is set in a friendly and quaint town in the 1940’s. Mr. Hatch is a tall, thin, lonely man who works a simple but important job attaching the aglets to shoelaces at a factory.
Drop into any Rock Island Public Library location and create a Valentines Day card for St. Anthony's Nursing Home.
Enjoy a musical interlude over the lunch hour. Thanks to sponsors Jim and Carol Horstmann, a variety of musical performances will be presented on the first Tuesdays of the month from December through April.
Be a Reading Machine - Build a Reading Machine Robot!
Join us for a unique evening of learning about animal biology with science educator Andrea Martinez! We'll be dissecting specimens (species TBA): if you're interested in anatomy and physiology, check this out.
Toggle the date picker: May 2025 May 2025