The Mobile Library will be joining Niabi Zoo and four other libraries for a local card drive. Library staff will have a table to take library card applications and enter all those who sign up for a prize raffle and a $5 gift card raffle.
Thanksgiving Holiday Closings
All Rock Island Library buildings will close at 6pm Wednesday, Nov. 27, and remain closed Thursday and Friday, Nov. 28 & 29, for the Thanksgiving holiday. Library2Go routes are also cancelled.
Stay in touch with our digital services and PrairieCat app! All locations reopen on Saturday, Nov. 20 with normal 10am to 2 pm hours.
Develop your child's love of learning with
stories, songs and a craft.
For ages 5 and under with a caregiver.
Join Miss Ranell on Fridays at 2:00
for either a book talk or an unboxing of
NEW books with a quick sneak peek!