A River Runs Through It -- Life on the Mississippi

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Life on the Mississippi
     Based upon Mark Twain's book by the same title, this two hour movie, that has been called “the greatest river movie ever,” is about the Mississippi River and, more particularly, Mark Twain's story of learning to pilot the river as he grew into manhood. A PBS production, it is regarded by some as 'legendary'.
     We are happy to share with you this remarkable dramatic account of the great American writer, Mark Twain, and his learning the ways of the world as an apprentice--then pilot--on the waters of this powerful river.
     Our Quad Cities--a mighty river runs through it. Sit back and enjoy a visual and historic journey along its famous waters.
     Please not that this movie is just short of two hours in length. For that reason there will be a brief intermission at the half-way point.